Saturday, March 28, 2020

How Important Are They?

How Important Are They?The two atomic models of the material world have recently taken a wrong turn and are having an impact on different fields. Let us take the case of nuclear chemistry and molecular biology. For both these fields, the fusing of various chemistry and biology has been a major milestone in order to solve some of the toughest problems.In the material world, we are always at the mercy of nature as she pertains to the reaction that takes place between the different elements. Atomic models can give you an idea about the type of reactions that will take place between the elements. The interesting thing is that with the help of these models, the various reactions that happen between the different elements can be predicted very accurately. You can now formulate many complex models for the various reactions and the end results will be just fine and all this is possible by using the nuclear chemistry model.Biological sciences are also influenced by the atomic models. This is true especially in the research on the inheritance of diseases, and because of this, a large number of artificial systems have been developed for predicting the reactions between genes and mutations.The atomic model can be used in many cases to predict the behavior of the molecules or the particles involved in the molecules. The models include hydrogen bonding and the theory of atomic transitions, which are very important in this regard.Apart from predicting the behavior of the molecular atoms, the atomic model can also be used in molecular biology. This is true since the biological system is affected by the functions of the molecules which have molecular bonding and the roles played by the bonds and the functions that they play.Nociception has a very significant role in the biological system. Since the cells cannot respond to stimuli, the cell membrane and the nerves have to be highly reactive and this explains why there are so many molecules that have the ability to do all kinds o f things to the cells, and hence the need for many of them to have molecular bonding.As a part of the basic research, the atomic models have been used to predict the behavior of the molecular bonds and the relationship between the cells and the molecules. These models have also been used in the study of cellular organization and their functions, and this is one of the reasons why these models are very useful in all fields of science.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Logic Behind the italki Language Challenge (and how to ensure your success!).

Logic Behind the italki Language Challenge (and how to ensure your success!). The October Language Challenge is just about to start. This time, we are asking our learners to take 6 hours of language classes in the space of two weeks. As opposed to the longer, higher-commitment challenges we have conducted before. We are terming this a sprint to help you jump start your language learning habits. In the same way that its difficult to stay with a gym membership, stick to a diet, or live up to ones New Years commitments, it can be difficult to study a language after that initial excitement of learning wears off, and consistent work needs to be done. What is the logic behind the challenge?   The model behind the language challenges for  italki is to encourage planning behavior that gives our learners a sense of traction. As an example, we looked at some innovative gyms and work-out oriented apps which charge a  user  more for skipping  a workout  (unlike traditional gyms with long-term commitments who are interested in user failure). We adopted a similar model, where the up-front cost of the challenge encourages a student to stick to their commitment. The purchases from the users who do not complete the challenge subsidize the rewards for those that do. (Of course, we would love for everyone to complete the challenge, and in the past few years the completion percentage has been climbing higher with each language challenge event). Whats m0re, the idea of getting a prize and the sunk cost back for completing the challenge is another good motivator to put in the extra effort.  Ultimately, having a reward at the end of the challenge works better to create a perspective shift in a learner: once the going gets tough, the competitive spirit and desire for the reward is a much better motivator than the feeling of Oh well, I guess Ive lost my ITC. Why is this challenge so short?   We are always experimenting with a better motivate to improve the language-learning process. In the same way that long-term gym commitments actually work to discourage the user, a longer challenge may seem difficult and daunting. This sprint format is designed to encourage forward planning in the short-term, and get our learners to try the optimal model for using italki (users who schedule on average 3 hours with a teacher per week tend to stick to the learning process longer, and get better faster). 2 hours per week is not quite enough, and 4 can be overwhelming and discouraging in and of itself. By making this a simple 6 hours/2 weeks challenge, we are hoping to let our challengers see the benefit of the optimal model, and give them the opportunity to feel how quickly they can improve using this format. Whats the secret to successfully finishing the challenge? The most important piece of finishing the challenge is  following a plan. That means the best way to schedule your sessions is all at once, in one go, to create a roadmap of your classes for yourself. In this sprint format challenge, it is a lot easier to plan out all the classes and make teaching requests ahead of time. If you want to avoid the crunch-time rush or stress of finding teachers, plan all 6 of your lessons distributed evenly over the duration of the challenge. First of all, you will have a lot more control over when and with whom you will be having your sessions. Secondly, making a commitment to a teacher will help you prioritize language learning, and give you the best possible chance to derive the greatest learning benefit from the sessions. There are still a few days left to register, and enrollment into the language challenge is open after the start date. Dont wait, get your language learning momentum rolling here: References: Logic Behind the italki Language Challenge (and how to ensure your success!). The October Language Challenge is just about to start. This time, we are asking our learners to take 6 hours of language classes in the space of two weeks. As opposed to the longer, higher-commitment challenges we have conducted before. We are terming this a sprint to help you jump start your language learning habits. In the same way that its difficult to stay with a gym membership, stick to a diet, or live up to ones New Years commitments, it can be difficult to study a language after that initial excitement of learning wears off, and consistent work needs to be done. What is the logic behind the challenge?   The model behind the language challenges for  italki is to encourage planning behavior that gives our learners a sense of traction. As an example, we looked at some innovative gyms and work-out oriented apps which charge a  user  more for skipping  a workout  (unlike traditional gyms with long-term commitments who are interested in user failure). We adopted a similar model, where the up-front cost of the challenge encourages a student to stick to their commitment. The purchases from the users who do not complete the challenge subsidize the rewards for those that do. (Of course, we would love for everyone to complete the challenge, and in the past few years the completion percentage has been climbing higher with each language challenge event). Whats m0re, the idea of getting a prize and the sunk cost back for completing the challenge is another good motivator to put in the extra effort.  Ultimately, having a reward at the end of the challenge works better to create a perspective shift in a learner: once the going gets tough, the competitive spirit and desire for the reward is a much better motivator than the feeling of Oh well, I guess Ive lost my ITC. Why is this challenge so short?   We are always experimenting with a better motivate to improve the language-learning process. In the same way that long-term gym commitments actually work to discourage the user, a longer challenge may seem difficult and daunting. This sprint format is designed to encourage forward planning in the short-term, and get our learners to try the optimal model for using italki (users who schedule on average 3 hours with a teacher per week tend to stick to the learning process longer, and get better faster). 2 hours per week is not quite enough, and 4 can be overwhelming and discouraging in and of itself. By making this a simple 6 hours/2 weeks challenge, we are hoping to let our challengers see the benefit of the optimal model, and give them the opportunity to feel how quickly they can improve using this format. Whats the secret to successfully finishing the challenge? The most important piece of finishing the challenge is  following a plan. That means the best way to schedule your sessions is all at once, in one go, to create a roadmap of your classes for yourself. In this sprint format challenge, it is a lot easier to plan out all the classes and make teaching requests ahead of time. If you want to avoid the crunch-time rush or stress of finding teachers, plan all 6 of your lessons distributed evenly over the duration of the challenge. First of all, you will have a lot more control over when and with whom you will be having your sessions. Secondly, making a commitment to a teacher will help you prioritize language learning, and give you the best possible chance to derive the greatest learning benefit from the sessions. There are still a few days left to register, and enrollment into the language challenge is open after the start date. Dont wait, get your language learning momentum rolling here: References:

Irvine Tutoring Tips 5 Tips For Coping With Summer Stress

Irvine Tutoring Tips 5 Tips For Coping With Summer Stress Coping with summer stress: 5 tips to success School is out, and summer is here; students are thrilled to have a break from school. Oddly enough, summer can be a little bit stressful despite the fact that students dont have to deal with homework assignments or tests and quizzes. This long stretch of time can be spent many ways, some of which are more enjoyable and productive than others. When students start to stress out about going back to school in the fall or dealing with summer activities they miss out on all of the benefits of rest, which can help them thrive through the next school year make summer studying less stressful with the help or private Irvine summer tutoring. 1.   Summer camp Summer camp is a great opportunity for kids to get out of the house and enjoy one of their favorite activities. Perhaps they are enjoying soccer or baseball outside in the sunshine, or maybe they are interested in engineering and technology. Summer camp also allows kids to socialize with others outside of their normal circle and allows parents to do what they need to during the day. Some summer camps even offer a split between academics and extracurricular activities that will help kids get up to grade level while still having fun (READ: Irvine Tutor Tips: Ways to Work on Writing This Summer). 2.   Supplemental education Although kids might not immediately think of supplemental education when they think of summer, its a great time to get caught up or get ahead. During the school year, students have to deal with four different subjects all at once and so that one challenging topic tends to keep them struggling. On the other hand, summer offers an opportunity for students to sit down with a one-on-one tutor in the relaxed environment of their home and conquer their most challenging subject. 3.   College prep Summer is also a great time for college prep students to organize their applications, study for college entrance exams, and work with a counselor. Its almost impossible for students to do all of these tasks during the academic year and still have a moment to themselves. Working on this during the summer can eliminate a lot of stress and uncertainty about what the college prep process will entail and which colleges a student has a good shot of being accepted to. 4.   Community service Another great thing for students to participate in during the summer is community service. If students are too old to attend summer camp but still need a little bit of structure, there are tons of opportunities for them to add to their community and gain some volunteer experience. Kids should research and choose a volunteer activity that interests them personally so they can have a little bit of fun while helping out. Students might volunteer at an animal shelter, a local fundraising event, a beach cleanup and so on. 5.   Go beyond the core subjects Another way to beat stress this summer is to allow students to explore subjects they dont get a chance to participate in during the school year. It seems like late August through June is focused on math and English to an intense degree. During the summer students can focus on art, music, sports, social science, history, engineering and so forth. When students get to explore topics, they are interested in they develop and maintain a love of learning that will help them stay curious and ask questions about the world around them. It will also give them a break from the core subjects that, although incredibly important, they will mainly focus on during the year. Have you booked your private Los Angeles summer tutor? Call TutorNerds today and we will match you with an experienced LA summer tutor. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Lowdown on Standardized Testing - by TutorNerds

The Lowdown on Standardized Testing - by TutorNerds Tips from a San Diego Test Prep Tutor: The Lowdown on Standardized Testing Tips from a San Diego Test Prep Tutor: The Lowdown on Standardized Testing Standardized testing has been part of our educational system for generations. Nearly every parent took a stab at the SAT years ago and remembers the stress that it produced. However, todays educational system offers a lot more standardized tests and it’s not limited to college prep students. Students will start with tests in elementary school and continue on each spring until they reach the 10th grade. At this point they start the college prep years, which will include an amalgam of tests for AP exams, the ACT, and SAT (including subject tests). Parents want to know why there are so many tests and how this will affect their children. Having a better understanding of current testing can help both parents and students determine how to proceed. 1- Elementary school testing Students generally don’t have test anxiety right away but may develop it over time. If they become overly worried about their current tests, it may affect their ability to successfully take more important tests later on. In a sense, testing at this level is meant to judge the school as a whole and the effectiveness of educational methods. At this point, the results of the tests will help parents know if their child is in line with national standards (that is if they are allowed to see their child’s scores). 2 Middle school testing At this point in the testing game parents are encouraged to talk to their children about the importance of certain exams. For instance, middle school students may be able to qualify for honors programs, scholarship money, or other useful things that can make their K-12 experience easier. However, colleges will never see grades or test scores from Grades 6-8. On the other hand, a middle school student’s current performance may be a potential indicator of their performance on more important tests in high school. 3 High school/college prep testing This is where standardized exams become very important. Although most colleges only look at tests and grades from the 10th -12th grades, some schools will look at the 9th grade as well. Some scholarships are available to help students through high school or offer money for college later on. Once students start taking AP courses, they will definitely want to hone in on current test prep techniques to ensure an entire year of a challenging course is put to good use. Once they add in the ACT, the SAT, and SAT Subject tests, students may spend one Saturday a month on average taking a very important exam. 4 Helping students with test prep One way students can conquer test prep is to think of it as a separate subject. English test prep is different from English literature and math test prep is different from algebra. Although students will need to fully understand the concepts in their classes, the ability to ace a multiple choice test is an entirely different subject. This is a situation where practice makes perfect. Students can either work with a test prep tutor, take practice tests out of a study booklet, or work with their classroom teacher to learn techniques (READ: ACT Tips From a Private Irvine ACT Tutor). 5 Preventing test prep anxiety Although some of these exams can be a make it or break it situation, its important that students don’t develop undue stress issues that might last long past the end of high school. One way to prevent test prep anxiety is to start practicing early. Students who have an entire year to take (and possibly retake) the SAT are less likely to become overwhelmed. Alternately, if they didnt start studying for their SAT, or any standardized exam, until six weeks prior to their test date, they are more likely to become overly stressed and are less likely to master all of the techniques (READ: Super Foods and Testing). Testing is a major part of a students academic career. Make sure your child gets the scores he/she deserve with the help of a private San Diego test prep tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Choosing the Right Chemistry Kit For Your Child

Choosing the Right Chemistry Kit For Your ChildWhen you go to buy a chemistry kit, there are so many different types available. It can be difficult to find the right one for your needs. There are some very important factors that you should keep in mind when you are looking for the perfect kit for your child's needs.When you go shopping for your kit, you want to take into consideration the child's interests. Some kits have only a few parts that the child will need. Other kits may have more components that will be used. If you know your child's needs, you will be able to find the best kit possible.Another thing to consider is the type of chemicals that are contained in the kit. Most kits have the same chemicals and ingredients. This makes it easier for your child to learn. You don't have to buy a kit that has a wide variety of chemicals.After you find the right kit for your child, you will want to remember what you would do with it. Your kit should be flexible enough for your child to do as he or she grows. The kit should also be easy to store and transport.Different kits come with different projects that your child can do while they are learning about chemistry. Some kits come with coloring pages. Others come with handbooks that can be handed down to your children.All kits are great for introducing the science to your child. You can keep track of the progress of your child as he or she uses the kit. This can help you keep an eye on how well your child is learning.If you are like most parents, you probably want to be able to play around with your own chemistry kit. These kits come in many different shapes and sizes, so you should be able to find the best one for your needs.

Organic Chemistry Tutor

Organic Chemistry TutorWhen looking for an organic chemistry tutor, some of the top choices could be a CELTA program or a private tutor. In this article I will discuss the private tutor option. When choosing to hire a private tutor, it's important to remember that many private tutors operate the traditional way and can charge more than the traditional program would charge. Here are a few things to consider when deciding between the two options.- Are they a Certified Organic Chemistry Teacher? To become certified you must complete a two-year program with both laboratory science and hands-on learning. Once you've passed your test you will receive your certification, and this is a good indicator of someone who has completed a solid program. If you find a tutor that is certified but not a solid program, they may not be able to properly teach organic chemistry. At the same time they might not want to give you the time of day.- Is there a private tutor? There are many private tutors who of fer tuition based on a fee-based model. When you enroll in one of these private tutors you will have to pay every month but are paid by the number of hours you do each week.- Are they a solid program? The next thing to look at is the quality of the program they offer. Make sure the tutor you hire has a solid program so you know you're getting value for your money.- Are they a member of an association? If they don't have a membership you may want to investigate other options. While being a member of an association doesn't guarantee their experience, it does increase their credibility, which will raise their value to you.- Make sure you ask a lot of questions before signing on with them. This will let you determine if you're truly getting what you want out of the program and what exactly the tutor is teaching.When looking for an organic chemistry tutor to make sure you research the organization they are affiliated with as well as the school. They should have a solid program that meets your needs, so you can learn with a high level of satisfaction.

Learn English Spelling Simple Rules to Follow

Learn English Spelling Simple Rules to Follow ESOL Learners: Learn English Spelling Rules Using These Tips ChaptersLearning English: Changing -y to -iesEnglish Spelling: The Doubling Up RuleSpelling in English: Drop the EEnglish Learning: Turning -f Into -vesLearn English Grammar: Words that End in the Suffix -fulTips to Master Spelling in English LessonsWhy is a star a celestial body but governments are political bodies?Why not just apply -s to body, like most other plural forms?How come, in our English classes, we were taught to write admitted, but benefitted is not correct?Benefited is spelt with only one t. In spite of the fact that more than two-thirds of the words in the English language can be spelt by how they sound, there are rules to follow when writing words in other than their root form.To improve your writing skills and overall language skills, your English learning should include principles of proper spelling.What rules are there for learning English spelling? How to learn them in order to spell words correctly, every time?Let's find out! a company becomes companies, and epi phany transforms to epiphanies.These words have a VCCV pattern. This rule is also evident in verbs like fry, try and apply. When conjugated in the present tense, third person singular, they become he tries; it fries, she applies.Another Y RuleMany words that end in -y, such as party, beauty and happy undergo a transformation when turned into adjectives, become plural or otherwise receive a suffix.Party becomes parties, beauty becomes beautiful and happy transforms into happiness.If a word ends in a consonant + y, the y becomes an i â€" unless the suffix begins with an i.Drying, defying and applying are all examples of that exception.Doubling consonants maintains vowel sounds (Source: Pixabay Credit: Ulleo)Learn about different forms of speaking English  from BBC English to the Queen's English.English Spelling: The Doubling Up RuleHave you ever wondered why there is a difference in the vowel sound between put and putt?And why does 'putting something away' not sound the same as puttin g on a golf course?To understand the difference between put and putt, a  native English speaker would look up the word origins. Putt is a Scottish word meaning to throw; put is an old English word.Doubled consonants  maintain the preceding vowel's sound, no matter if it is the same consonant twice, or a pair of mismatched consonants.To maintain the correct vowel sound in one-syllable words with a vowel-consonant ending, the consonant is doubled.Put â€" putting; tap â€" tapping; shop â€" shopping; big â€" biggest; fat â€" fattestThe rule also applies to longer words with a vowel-consonant ending, but only when the stress is on the last syllable:occur â€" occurring; begin â€" beginning; refer â€" referral.The last consonant in the word benefit is not doubled because the spoken stress is on the first syllable. JulianESOL (English) Teacher 4.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EugeneESOL (English) Teacher 4.90 (58) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HelenES OL (English) Teacher 5.00 (20) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuzanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (2) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (8) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelESOL (English) Teacher 4.83 (41) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (43) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSpelling in English: Drop the EYour English teacher has most likely told you that many words in the English language end with a silent -e, there to maintain proper vowel sound in the previous syllable.This leads to confusion for native English speakers and non-native English learners alike.Should we simply add the suffix without changing the ending?In words such as writing, closing and imagination, you will note there is no -e where, in its basic form â€" write, close and imagine, there is one.The -e stays if the root word ends in -ge or -ce, in order to keep the 'soft' consonant sound. Outrageous, courageous and noticeable are examples of words that add the suffix to the -e.English Learning: Turning -f Into -vesMost words that end in -f change to -ves when they become plural:calf - calveshalf - halvesknife - knivesleaf - leavesloaf - loaveslife - liveswife - wivesshelf - shelvesyourself â€" yourselvesBecause they are so commonly misspelt, for some words it is now acceptable to simply add an -s to the singular form of the word to make it plural:scarf - scarfs/scarvesdwarf - dwarfs/dwarveswharf - wharfs/wharveshandkerchief - handkerchiefs/handkerchievesAnd now, the twist: words that end in a double f receive the standard pluralization. One simply adds an -s to:cliff - cliffstoff - toffsscuff - scuffssniff - sniffsThese words are some of the few  that are correctly  spelt with three consonants.Learning English vocabulary can be done several ways. Those who study Engl ish as a second language often start out by repeating a series of words their Esl teacher speaks. Later, the English learner memorizes entire books full of words. They learn to speak them using the International phonetic alphabet, or IPA, to achieve fluency.As you practise how to speak these words â€" either in British or American English, often there is no connexion made, by ESL teachers or those  learning English online or in person as a second language, about how spelling affects the sound of words.To improve your English, you should make note of these and other spelling rules.The ending of some words can be modified by a suffix (Source: Pixabay Credit: Michitogo)Learn English Grammar: Words that End in the Suffix -fulAre you grateful for this tutorial? Are you hopeful in becoming fluent in English?As you learn to speak English, you will become familiar with how to make adjectives from nouns. One important distinction to make is between -ful, a suffix, and full â€" the meaning of the suffix.Being hopeful means to be full of hope. At no time should the -l on the suffix be doubled! Only one -l will make you full  is an easy way to remember this rule.This particular rule will not affect pronunciation, but learning it will certainly improve your score on any spelling quizzes you take.Be careful, as you learn English as a second language, of all of these rules that, perhaps are never mentioned in any English lesson.Al- Means AllJust as there is a suffix spelt nearly the same as its meaning, the English language includes a prefix with nearly the same spelling as its meaning.You should all ways take English lessons â€" all ways becomes always.All though you know English grammar, you should take more English courses. All though becomes although.All right is the lone exception to this rule. In casual conversation, you might ask someone if they are alright. The first form is for more formal English writing.Probably the only rule you've already learned while studying English is: I Before E, Except After CThis may be the most widely known spelling rule of the English language.Whereas believe  and relieve are spelt with the i before the e, receive and conceive reverse those two letters in order to maintain the 's' sound.You can read in depth about this particular rule in an article we posted recently.Mastering English spelling will increase your ability to compete in society (Source: Pixabay Credit: Geralt)Tips to Master Spelling in English LessonsThe most beneficial way to learn English spelling is to break words down into syllables.This system will help you in speaking English, as well!No matter whether you are learning English for IELTS â€" to enrol in a higher learning institute or whether you are studying business English because of your career in a global firm, speaking clearly and distinctly can only help you.At the start of this article, we mentioned that more than two-thirds of the words in the English language can be spelt by sounding th em out.Learning how to break words into syllables will help you spell English words more quickly and fluently.To practice English spelling, you could choose a few phrases each day and spell any new words, ones that are not familiar to you, as you go about your everyday activities.Slang phrases work particularly well for this exercise, as does the idiom or any new expressions you might pick up in daily conversation.Many language learning courses make a clear distinction between writing skills and speaking skills, even though they are both considered active skills  in language learning philosophy.We contend that English pronunciation and the writing of English words are closely related.As writing reinforces vocabulary, which leads to fluency in English conversation, there should be no barrier between any of English's four main language areas.To improve your vocabulary, you should remove any distinction between spoken English and spelling.Only then will your writing skills reflect the progress you make in your language learning classes.Learn how to perfect your English accent with our guide to pronunciation. Or why not find tutors around the UK for English courses in London, Manchester, Glasgow etc.